Personal Information
Full Name | Dr. John Willison, B.Sc. Dip. Ed., M.Ed. (Sc.Ed.), Ph.D. (Sc.Ed) |
Gender | Male |
john.willison@adelaide.edu.au | |
Telepon Number | +618 8313 3219 |
Office Address | South Australia 5005 Australia |
Profession | Senior Lecturer |
Nationality | Australia |
Sinta ID | |
Scopus ID | 36829566100 |
H-index Scopus | 8 |
H-Index Orchid | |
H-Index Scholar |
Research Interest | John’s principle research interest centres around the ways that academics conceptualise and implement the explicit development of their students’ research skills in content-rich courses. He leads an initiative considering Research Skill Development (RSD) and Assessment in the Curricula of disciplines in all faculties across whole undergraduate and postgraduate degrees.This project focuses on degree-program outcomes of RSD use, and is the second RSD project funded by the OLT. |
Course Taught | This work has lead to rich and varied collaborations on various aspects of curriculum design and assessment, within the university, at the national level and internationally |
Publication |
Wu, C., Chanda, E., Willison, J. (in press). Implementation and outcomes of online self and peer assessment on group based honours research projects. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 2013. Willison, J. (2012). When Academics integrate research skill development in the curriculum. Higher Education Research and Development, 31: 905-919. Bandaranaike, S., Snelling, C., Karanicolas, S. and Willison, J. (2012). Opening Minds and Mouths Wider: Developing a model for student reflective practice within clinical placements. Procedings of the 9th International Conference on Cooperative & Work-Integrated Education, University of Bahcesehir University, Istanbul, Turkey, p1-16. June 20-22, 2012. Bandaranaike, S. & Willison J. (2011).Engaging students in work integrated learning : drives and outcomes. Proceedings of the World Conference on Cooperative and Work Integrated Learning. Philadelphia. P 1- 12 .June 14-17 2011. Davey, K. R., Cheung, J. C. K., Visvanathan, R. & Willison, J. W. (2010). A unique assessment of stress and stress factors on engineering academics in the research and teaching environment. Proceedings of the 2010 Australian Association of Engineering Education Conference, Sydney, 5–8 December 2010. Bandaranaike, S. & Willison, J. (2010). Work Skill Development Framework: an innovative assessment for Work Integrated Learning. In Campbell, M. (Ed.) Work Integrated Learning – Responding to Challenges: Proceedings of the 2010 ACEN National Conference, (pp. 1–19). Perth, September 29 – October 1, 2010. Willison, J.(2010). Development of all students’ research skill becomes a Knowledge Society. Journal of the All Ireland Society for Higher Education 2(1). Willison, J.(2009). ‘ Multiple Contexts, Multiple Outcomes, One Conceptual Framework for Research Skill Development in the Undergraduate Curriculum’. Council on Undergraduate Research Quarterly, 29 (3): 10-14. Peirce, E., Ricci, M., Lee, I. & Willison, J. (2009). First year human biology students in the ivory tower. Proceedings from the Uniserve Science conference, 1&2 October, Sydney. Willison, J., Pierce, E., Ricci, M. (2009). Towards student autonomy in literature and field research. Proceedings of the Higher Education Research and Development Conference, Darwin July 7-9. Willison, J., Schapper, J., and Teo, E. (2009). ‘Multiple Methods of Improvement of Research Skills in Business Ethics and Business Law’. Procedings of the QATLHEBEC conference, University of Melbourne, 6 February, 2009. Willison, J.W. & O’Regan, K. (2007). Commonly known, commonly not known, totally unknown: A framework for students becoming researchers. Higher Education Research and Development 26 (4) pp 393-410. Willison, J. W. (2007). Vision and Choice, ethical characteristics of Academic Development Programs. Journal of University Learning and Teaching Practice 4 (2) pp72-87. Available from http://jutlp.uow.edu.au/ Willison, J. W. (2007). A research vignette’s Impact on the emergence of a metaphorical framework. In P.C. Taylor, & J. Wallace (eds). Qualitative inquiry : New possibilities in science and mathematics education . Springer. |
Teaching Subject
S2 | 1. University Teaching And Learning 2. Science Education Curriculum Design |
S3 | 1. Student Research Skill Development in: Undergraduate and Masters by coursework Higher Degree by Research and Early Career Research Secondary School Early Childhood and Primary School 2. Academic Staff Development 3. Scientific Literacy Hands-on Experiences in high school Science |
Books and Book Chapters
2020 | Willison, J. (2020). Blended learning needs blended evaluation. In M. White, & F. McCallum (Eds.), Critical Perspectives on Teaching, Learning and Leadership: Enhancing Educational Outcomes (pp. 87-106). Singapore: Springer. |
2018 | Wuetherick, B., Willison, J. W., & Shannahan, J. (2018). Mentored Undergraduate research at Scale. Undergraduate research in the curriculum and as pedagogy. In M. Vandermaas-Peeler,, P. Miller, & J. Moore (Eds.), Excellence in mentoring undergraduate research. (pp. 181-202). Washington DC: Council on Undergaduate Research. |
2017 | Willison, J., & Croy, G. (2017). Research Skill Development in Tourism. In P. Benckendorff, & Zehrer (Eds.), Handbook of Teaching and Learning in Tourism (Vol. 1, 1st ed., pp. 58-75). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. |
2007 | Willison, J. (2007). The impact of a research vignette on my metaphorical understandings. In P. Taylor, & J. Wallace (Eds.), Contemporary Qualitative Research for Science and Mathematics Educators (pp. 127-138). The Netherlands: Springer. |
2006 | Willison, J., & Taylor, P. (2006). Complementary Epistemologies of Science Teaching: Towards an Integral Perspective. In P. Aubusson, A. Harrison, & S. Ritchie (Eds.), Metaphor and analogy in science education (pp. 25-36). PO Box 17, 3300 AA Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer. |
2020 | Willison, J. (2020). The Models of Engaged Learning and Teaching: Connecting sophisticated thinking from early childhood to PhD. Singapore: Springer. |